Friday, October 30, 2009

Who the heck is this woman and why is she allowed to write this dribble?

Listen, I am not trying to offend my very religious friends (and I do have quite a few). And most of them may know me as being "religious", although I haven't been a "practicing" Catholic in many years. That is not to say that I a complete atheist these days.  Just that I have a thing against organized religions (more on that some other time). Right now I would just like to point out a number of incorrect statements made in the following article about Halloween (which having grown up in Sleepy Hollow, is of course one of my favorite holidays):

First, as for her (Kimberly Daniels') comments about Halloween being a holiday for Lucifer she cannot be FURTHER from the truth. Yeah, sure in recent years people have been focusing on the commercialized horror movies that come out around this time. However, strictly speaking this "holiday" was created (as most Christian Holidays) to capitalize on already well established pagan events. Now, some of you may say that anything pagan is against God and by that virtue is for Satan. I disagree. Halloween created from three other "holidays"...
  1. celebrating harvest time (nothing to do with Lucifer)
  2. day of the dead (a christian belief by the way taken from pagan rites) to honor the dead (aka "all hallows eve")
  3. all saints day (again a christian holiday) to celebrate all the dead saints
So, how this woman (and anyone else for that matter) can so brazenly BASH this event is beyond me. Your very own church/religious leaders created this holiday. So, if we are to follow your logic, then anything that they say is the word of God. And thus, this must be a holy day and NON-SATANIC because it is of God.  But of course as with VERY MANY religious statements, they invariably have contradictions that cause their own statements to be proven false.

She mentions that Lucifer is a demon and that he has everything equal to God but in the complete opposite. Well, this again is a direct contradiction to the earliest religious statements... Lucifer was once and foremost the most powerful and beloved of Angels. So now he is a demon? As far as I know, no where in the Bible (or any books pertaining to that body of works) does it say that God physically changed Lucifer. All it says is that he was cast out of Heaven. So, technically, he is still an Angel. And if he is just an Angel how can he possibly have everything that God does, all his powers, all his resources, etc... when he was created by God?  See what I mean with the whole contradiction thing?  When you really look at organized religions (in particular most of the Christian faiths, mainly due to the fact that they are all based on the same thing)., there are too many inconsistencies to make it ENTIRELY believable/trust worthy (more on that later).

This freak even bashed gathering around fires as being Demonic in nature. Hell woman, what do you think Jesus did on a cold night in the desert?! Do you think that he did not build a fire?  GIVE ME A GOSH DARN BREAK!  REALLY!

She bases the word occult... guess what... by definition, Christianity is a cult. Any group that has a religious doctrine pretty much falls under that definition, so now all Christians are basically Satan Worshipers using her logic.

She says that pagans and witches (actually to her they are one in the same, which they are not...) worship many Gods, which is wholly unchristian and most definitely satanic. Well, got news for you... Your monotheistic faith of Christianity is not really monotheistic. Firstly, you worship 3 gods. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Ghost (spirit?).  Hmm... all 3 are all powerful... and discussed at length as being 3 distinct "entities" (for lack of a better word) and yet all the same one being. Hmm... sounds like 3 gods to me.  Also, you bash the god of the harvest and etc as being multiple gods. What do you think that the Arch Angels and regular Angels and all the Saints are? Isn't there a Saint and an Angel of the harvest?  Hmm... again, sounds awefully a lot like multi-theism to me...

I could go on and on and on for a REALLY long time about all of this stuff, but I think that I have made my point.  And about that point...

It isn't that I am telling anyone not to believe in God. Far from it... Most everything that I have written about above is just my beef against organized religions, not faith. Believe in who/what you want... that is not for me to say. However, most of that stuff mentioned above are all human interpretations of various things that have been said or written over the ages. And in some cases they are re-interpretations for say the 10th (or 1000th) time. Anyone that follows religious doctrine to the letter is obviously missing the point of faith.  You need to be a good person and help others. Forget about nit picking. And for goodness sake, do some real research about what you are writing before you go slamming other people on things that someone else said as their interpretation of what God wanted. Especially when you really aren't right on many of the facts.

If I have misspoken on any of my information above, please forgive me as I did not have time to research every little detail. But then again, I don't think that many people will read this either. And I don't proclaim to spread the word of the Lord.  Only mine... take it or leave it, I don't really care.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Riding the train...

Ok, why in the heck do people that are going one or two stops... on a train that they full well know is ALWAYS PACKED... insist on passing 3 seats that have one person in them to sit alone in an empty seat. Then they do not give up their seats for the elderly, or for families or couples. Then have to force the person that sits down next to them on the aisle seat to get up at the next stop because they have to get off the train. Why... why I say?!?!?!?!